BumperCar Icon

Installing And Configuring BumperCar

  1. Insert the BumperCar CD-ROM into your Macintosh computer.
  2. Once the disk is recognized, a window will appear in the Finder showing the contents of the BumperCar CD.
  3. Find the BumperCar application in this window. Drag this to your Applications folder on the root of your hard drive.
    It is crucial that you install BumperCar in the main Applications folder so all users of your computer can access it. If you install it elsewhere, your child may not be able to access BumperCar.
  4. Eject the CD-ROM and store it safely in the event you need to reinstall.
  5. If you do not already have a separate user account for your child in Mac OS X, please read how to set up Mac OS X for BumperCar. If you already have a separate account, you may need to add BumperCar to the allowed applications for this user. Refer to Setting Up OS X for instructions on how to do this.
  6. Log in with your child's account and launch BumperCar. You will need to enter an administrator's password twice - once to install the necessary files, and once to open the Security Settings window.
  7. Check the security settings and change them as you deem best for your child. For more information, please consult Security Setting Help.
  8. Close the Security Settings window, and your browser is ready to go!